Friday, March 14, 2008

Sevilla to Barcelona

Brandon and I drove from Sevilla to Barcelona. The drive is roughly 12 hours, most of which are spent on Spanish highways. Because I have loved ones, you are learning this now. In case you are wondering, yes, I made it to Barcelona safe and sound...

Originally, I was going to take a train to Barcelona, but I am stupid. Let´s leave it at that. Then, I was going to fly. This story doesn't make me look stupid, so I will tell it to you.

I booked a flight through the website, which is basically a directory for flights, similar to Kayak or Priceline. Despite the fact that I was booking my flight only one day in advance, I receive an email from Edreams informing me I have to fax them a copy of my passport and credit card so they can verify the purchase. How RIDICULOUS is that? I say, "Very. Very ridiculous." Regardless, I had no other options and did what I was told. The problem though is that their fax isn't working - not one of the faxes the internet cafe sent went through properly. Frustrated, I email Edreams and inform their customer service of the situation. After more frustration, I decide there is nothing else to do at this point. The only thing is just wait to hear back from them in the morning.

In the meantime, Brandon, who if you don´t already know, is one of the most spontaneous people I know, starts to fantasize about renting a car to Barcelona. I write the idea off as one of his off-the-wall-implausible least for the time being.

Apparently, Edreams is owned by Delta. They didn't email me back. And still haven't. How is that possible? How are they still in business? I hate Edreams.

In the meantime, Brandon has convinced me to drive. He reasons that it won´t be too hard to navigate, and that as long as we have Mapquest directions we should be fine. Everyone else we mentioned the idea to has other thoughts: The weathermen are anticipating a snowstorm in the Northern Spain tonight; You might get arrested; If you get lost, you will have no idea that you are lost - and when you finally do realize - you will have no way to know where to go.

Were these REALLY reasons not to make the drive?

Yes, yes they were.

To be perfectly honest, the drive was really smooth. At the last minute, we decided to rent a GPS Navigation system as well (only because it was much cheaper than the amount they originally quoted us). You´re going to have to trust me when I tell you I would probably be in France right now if we hadn't rented the GPS. No, really.

We left Sevilla at 10pm and made the 3 hour drive to Granada. We stayed at a elegant, but cheap place called Hotel Carlos V. In the morning, we hiked up to La Alhambra, the former palace and fortress complex of the Moorish monarchs. The exhibition is full of gorgeous Islamic architecture and overlooks the city. We walked the grounds, but did not pay the entrance simply because we didn't have time.
I could come up with some witty tag line here, like, "Barcelona was calling our names," but the truth is that we had to have the rental car back by 11pm.

The worst part of the drive was that we had no music. Anyone who knows me knows I never go a day without listening to my music. My iPod was virtually attached to me when I was in the US. Now, we were embarking on a 10 hour drive and we had nothing but Spanish radio to accompany us. Well, there were a few stations that played American music, but as I joked to Brandon, they only played "America's Top 5"...and we only heard 3 of those songs...and two of those songs were by Rihanna.

We stopped for gas about two-thirds of the way to Barcelona at a random stop. I went in to use the bathroom, and saw there were a vertical stand full of CDs. Intrigued, I wandered over. All I saw was Spanish music. I was annoyed, but I conceded it was the most logical collection for a gas station in SPAIN. About to give up on the music search, something familiar caught the corner of my eye. I turned the rack to see two (and only two) CDs in English.

U2's greatest hits 1980-1990 and 1990-2000 lay in front of me.

I'm not really sure how much you are appreciating the current situation; U2 is my favorite band of all-time. The only problem was that the CDs were 18 Euro each, which comes out to roughly 86 dollars. I told myself I would splurge by buying one (If not now, then when?), but I just couldn't justify buying both of them. I sat there for literally 5 minutes debating which one to buy. 1980´s is better overall, but I felt like 1990s was more fun for a road trip. Back and forth I went with myself. Given that we still had 4 hours to drive and had NOTHING else to listen to, the decision was made when I realized 1990s CD contained 2 more tracks than 1980s. Done. And done.

When I came back to the car with the surprise purchase, Brandon responded with, THAT'S exciting. We popped in the CD, cranked up the volume and started singing along immediately. I couldn't help but smile. I told Brandon I felt like Andy from Shawshank after he convinced Hadley to allow the inmates to drink beer on the prison roof. As Red said, "we felt like free men."


Headline Honcho said...

Haven't talked to Brandon yet, but I assume I will pretty soon, we'll see if his version bears any resemblance to your telling, THAT should be interesting! I am racing to get done with a bunch of work comp letters so I can meet up w/ The Lunchables for Dinnerable & Sleep-over-able. Mrs. Lunchable & I already spoke on phone & laughed as we re-read your newest blog posts & enjoyed our favorite parts aloud, very cute, seems as though you are enjoying creating much of it, some of us are loving reading it, it is a vicarious thrill "going to Europe through you." I think you will love the fact that you have done this years down the road, Pooks. I have a pretty busy weekend coming up. Ashton is coming in this weekend,s o I am going over to C & A to see him and J to celebrate his birthday, which should be great. Also Jaime graduated from Chef School, so that will be great to celebrate. Very exciting. Danielle's grad'n coming up, too. Big doings, as Jonathan would say. Gotta go, lots to get done b4 I leave. I finally got to gym this morning, altho I was weak I got an hour in, which was long overdue, good I finally fit it in. Take care, Tapa Guapa

Headline Honcho said...

Hi SOD, already went to Dalia's Fashion Show (notice it is no longer called the Nordstrom Fashion Show in which Dalia was appearing, it is now called The Dalia Fashion Show; she was adorable, as if there was ever any question about that); in a few I am off to meet Susi, going to a presentation at Alvarado Hosp, to hear a well-known dr. speak about Easy & Effective Strategies for Healing the Mind & Body, supposed to be a very good presenter, and I will give it a shot. May meet Susi at DZ Akins first (I knew I would get your attention at that) and then back to the house for either editing my book or more jewelry making, moving both along toward the Finish Line. One really interesting development yesterday came up in a conversation with Shari, it turns out the person next door to her is putting her house on the market, so now I can think about whether I want to move NEXT DOOR to Shari and Cliff. The house is a RANCH HOUSE (all on one level) Priced right. Garage (for storage. Shari promises not to move immediately if I move next door. That would be a fine thing! That is a tough decision, a real contender in terms of decision between moving downtown, versus next door to Shari/Cliff. I am sure she regretted letting that out of the bag as soon as she opened her mouth, but she can probably count on my forgetting it pretty quickly, the way I have been going lately! I will give that some serious thought and will definitely talk that one over with Steve K. Nothing else to report right now, gotta get ready for the Alvarado venture, they want us to wear something green in honor of St Patrick's, which meant my having to return to change my clothing, because I hadn't packed anything green, and I wanted to be in the spirit of things. "Talk" to you soon. Love you lots, CitaDoozer

Anonymous said...

Imagine all the wonderful adventures in food, quirks, transportation, city scapes, beauty yet to await you. Your blog is a vicarious joy to read. Keep on writing. xxx, Susi

Headline Honcho said...

Dear SOD, I am about to jump in the ducha, then go to Carol's where I'll force myself to eat on of her Italian fests in honor of Ashton's birthday. O sole mio, pobrecita mia, what an unhappy existence! Actually, I will try to steer clear of pasta & pastry, but no big deal if I fall off the wagon for the dia, nonetheless I will try to be strong. Ta-ta for now, I heard a cute one on radio yesterday. Someone called in to A Way With Words and said that in his family they have meals that are called TEHO Meals. TEHO stands for "To Each His Own" and it means Pot Luck, which I thought was cute. That's it for now from me. Bye-bye Tapa Guapa...

Justin said...

SOD better not stand for Son of the Day.

Headline Honcho said...

NNN (Translation: No, No, No), if it stood for Son of the Day, it would be SOTD, EVERYONE knows that. It stands for Son Of Doozers, silly. What kind of Doozer are you, anyway? With foolish comments like that you might want to consider personal email messages to Ari, rather than public emails to the WHOLE WORLD.

Unknown said...

dear ari,
hi its brittany that is so cool that you get to go on vacation for 4 months!! wish i could but im stuck in school! well just wanted to say hey:)
love: brittany :)

Headline Honcho said...

CALLING ALL BLOG-READERS!! WE NEED TO UNITE, PROTEST THIS NE'ER-DO-WELL BLOGGER'S HAPHAZARD, SLUGGISH PATTERN OF ENTRIES, FOR WHICH THERE CAN BE NO VALID EXCUSE! This blog account is so "old news" that Ari has been to as many NEW cities since he entered Barcelona as he had been BEFORE Barcelona...Let's consider demanding our money back if quality & quantity do not improve dramatically at once! So it is writ, so it shall be done! The Doozers

Molly Ignus said...

Hmmm, perhaps the metal in my mouth is causing some level of memory lapse. I recall being told that SOD was really SODTLS which stands for SON OF DOOZERS THAT LOVES SOUP.
Could I have possibly made that up? I think not.
Molly (Ignacio) Ignus

Headline Honcho said...

maybe it was the other one who loved soup...

Headline Honcho said...

Today feels like a better day, perhaps bcz it's sunny, perhaps bcz it's still morning, perhaps it's not, whatever, have a bunch of errands to run, had a fun dinner yesterday w/ Karen Marchetti who may have a great work lead for you, went to Volcom store after haircut downtown for Ashton b'day gift & then little gift for Jaimie's graduation. Need to go to work comp court today to petition to see judge, don't know how to do that, should be interesting, that's my update, hope all goes well for you, as I bid you adieu (that's a poem) take care, love you, Doozers

Headline Honcho said...

Maybe this should have been called Anita's Extravaganza, with all the updates I've been adding... today is a catch-up day, mailing out Hugh's birthday gift (I hate going to the Post Office, wish you were here to do it for me!), other things like that, then working on my book (Yay! I'm actually making good, noticeable progress), dinner this evening at new place (for me), Miami Grille (very excellent, had dinner there last week w/ Mrs. Lunchable, we loved it much-able),Yesterday was a weird day, felt very dizzy all day, could not walk without knocking into things but had to drive Sherry to airport for her flight to Iowa, then to Bellisarios to say good-bye to Ashton, while I was there Sherry called to say her flight was canceled bcz she had a changeover in Chicago and Chicago airport was closed, so I headed back down to airport, what a day for me, back & forth to airport on Friday no less, but at least I got to kiss Ashton a good-bye on my way to the car. I was intelligent for a change & recognized that I needed to take it easy, so I stayed in last night, & today I am feeling a lot better, maybe it was the beginning of a cold that made me feel so dizzy, but at least I am feeling a lot more grounded. I think that rather than go to gym I will do my walk to guard gate, which I have not done for a long while. It will do me good bcz weather is amazing today, very beautiful, makes it almost worth paying to live here. Sherry's flight is re-sched for tomorrow so I will take her but need to know time, talked to Babs last night for 1st time in a long time, she & family are well, MEH's grad is 5/4 & Ben's grad is 5/25, so they will have a busy spring. Babs & J are going to Paris in April, looking forward to it obviously, hope all is great at your end of earth, nothing else to report here, need to get started & try as I may, can no longer put off going to Post Office, which is open only until noon today. Have fun, be safe. Love YD

Headline Honcho said...

Still in Barcelona? Must be a great city... or are you running for office there, or have you joined BB team? Doozer