Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Never Leaving Booo-dah-pesht

I finally checked out on Tuesday morning, but as it turns out, I will never leave Carpe Nochem Hostel. My presence will always be felt by all of its guests.

We were playing a drinking game one night in the common area when someone declared a rule that whenever anyone speaks, they must finish their sentence with, "Budapest". Ian informed us that that the correct pronunciation of the city is, "Boo-dah-pesht", with the inflection in the "oo". Being the jackass that I am, I decided to take my pronunciation a little further. If you want to get a good mental image of the scene, picture me pretending to be Sean Connery while saying, "Booo-dah-pesht"....while pumping my fist.

My rendition was well-received to say the least and spread like wildfire. For the next 5 days, people were throwing out "Booo-dah-pesht"'s (fist still pumping) left and right. Soon, Suzi began to welcome new guests with such an introduction. Suzi's friend Beth, who is responsible for all the artwork in the hostel, is thankfully in town for the week. It was just decided this morning that adjacent to the Carpe Nochem writing on the wall will be a pumping fist exclaiming, "Welcome to Booo-dah-pesht".

You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.


Amanda said...

Hey Ari,
It's been a long time since we talked but I am a travel and a travel blog junkie and I stumbled upon your blog. Sounds like you are having a great adventure and I just wanted to say hi and wish you the best of travels. I myself and in London right now and heading to Paris next week. Whenever our paths cross again, may it be in San Diego, Berkley or Europe we should grab a drink.
Take care,

Ari B. said...

which amanda is this?

Amanda said...

Amanda Morris

Headline Honcho said...

Hi Ari, J&D&M just left, had a really great visit, weather in SD is awesome, tho a bit too hot, J&D going to Cabo for wedding end of week, AC going to OC for Doozers Day following weekend likely, manana to work comp court for anotro showdown, off to PAC in a bit, then early to bed, time for an update as we all know you left Boo Da Pesht long ago. Take care,be smart & eat lotsa pizza in Naples. Love u, Mamacita

Headline Honcho said...

Monster wanted you to know he loves the pool, his favorite activity was playing fetch for his buoy this morning, its amazing that he never tires of doing the same routine over & over, dive in, retrieve, swim to the side, walk up steps, shake his entire body out all over everyone, drop the buoy and race out to retrieve it again, over & over & over & ...

Headline Honcho said...

I feel as though I am never leaving Booo-dah-pesht after all this time, opening your blog to see if you have added any new posts to it!